Last week we looked at how to help your child recognise and manage their emotions, and how you as a carer can help your child to develop emotional resilience.
This week we’ll start looking at behaviour managment using Specific and Positive Praise.
Hold up a copy of the One to One Time Diary which you handed out last week.
· did anyone have any unexpected results after last week? This can be anything, not just One to One Time
· does anyone have anything to share specifically about One to One Time?
· Do any of the parents have any questions about the homework or about anything else about last week?
You now give a brief presentation about Specific Praise
Use the flip chart. Draw a vertical line down the middle and on the left-hand side title it “Common ‘Don’t’ Phrases”. Ask them to come up with examples, and then convert them to positive comments.
Ask them to think of a common situation they often find themselves in when they tell their child “Don’t….” and in their groups write down on a post it notes a common ‘don’t phrase’ that they use.
Hand out copies of the One to One Time diary, explain how to use it and ask them to fill it in over the week for discussion next week.