Ambassador Training Weeks 5 and 6 Ignoring and Staying Calm

Week 3: Ignoring and Keeping Calm and Clear Instructions

In the first half of the course we focussed on relationship development with

  • One to One Time
  • Child-led pay and conversation
  • Emotional Resilience
  • Specific Praise

Now we are moving on to managing behaviour…

This week we’ll be looking at how to give instructions in a way that is specific and clear to our child. First we’ll be looking at how to ignore some negative behaviours (and how to stay calm whilst doing so); so that we can focus on those behaviours which cannot be ignored and which must improve. 

Role play: How to Practice Ignoring

This is a really important role play  because ignoring a child who is demanding snacks in between meals is a very common scenario.

In this video Nicola and Santiago demonstrate how to tell your child that you are going to ignore them and then how to put that into practice. As you can see, it isn’t easy!

Ambassador’s Questions

Below is a quick questionnaire to help you check your understanding of the topics covered.